Our programmes are provided with the orientation and Accessabilty of our clients in mind:

*Face to face

For heightened sensory and  in person contact


For convenience of time and location

*over the phone

For added comfort and familiarly


Single/ unfrequented sessions, used at times to drive a one off short term goal. But generally, for the purpose of rejuvenation the standing of the previous/original/incumbent goal.

Carpe Diem

A 6- week programme focusing on honing the capacity to control and adapt perceived outcomes. Applying the necessary conditioning to manage change with lasting positive results.

You Enhancement

Establishing and reinforcing personal success patterns in recovery through taking control of neuro associations. Manifest your victory

Team Around The Trauma

During an unsettling time, there is nothing like the support of our loved ones. However, we can’t all be readily equipped for every possible actuality. The purpose of this package is to incite helpful and meaningful discussion. The opportunity for everyone to come together to grow a compassionate insightful and understanding support network can be extremely beneficial. In many cases, it forms a solid foundation resulting in comfort and security through whatever lays ahead.

Retrieve & Recall

In Japanese culture, when a bowl is broken it’s put back together using gold to fill the cracks., creating a beautiful design to emphasise the beauty in what was once damaged. They believe that the breakage suffered, and the history, enhances beauty. This principle can also relate to human beings in terms of the wounds traumas and struggles that we go through.

Tfopical Retreat

This charming dwelling is the home of rejuvenation and well-being.Aptly callwd the ‘Jewel’ of Jamaica, it is a precious haven of nature and relaxation. Nestled in the green hills of Montego Bay, it is the ideal spot for a growth getaway at our specially scheduled coaching weeks.
When pursuing your center,
when searching for nirvana!

Review And Resume Workshops

A Reflective Seminar For A Mindful Return With A Resolute Sense Of Readiness. This seminar explores mental blockers like fear trepidation send procrastination, to identify progressive solutions.” This programme is designed for current or discharged hospital patients and their loved ones who might need some professional support in order to achieve expected standards of living through the recovery process. A level of concern during recovery is perfectly understandable. Once this is indicated to us, we assess whether the individual in question would benefit from the support of a team of close individuals ie friends and/or relatives) lead by a professional coach. The identification of such team is to support the individual in the coordination of a plan for early help. This can but does not difinitively include multiple health care and social care agencies. This can prove to be a testing but remedial undertaking. But whether it is a wish to strengthen the bond with one member of your network, or several, it is important that everyone realises the mutual goal.